Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Founder
M.S.T.A. Inc. No. 5
M.S.T.A. Inc. No. 5
Grand Sheik's Office
I want to first extend a warm welcome to you for taking interest in The Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. No. 5. For its our hopes to introduce to you a man that had struggled in public and private for you and I, even in our ignorance as a people. This man is Prophet Noble Drew Ali, who was prepared divinely by The Almighty God Allah. It is through Prophet Noble Drew Ali that we have the oldest incorporated Islamic organization in North America.
It is through him that a broken family structure is being put back together again and the concept of nationality was returned to the so-called ex-slave here in North America. It is through him that we are
learning to be better citizens, being reacquainted with the old time religion, and have lessons that are teaching us how to love instead of hate. These are just a few things made possible by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali.
It is an honor to have Temple No.5 striving to build upon the program and ideals of our Prophet. It is through these efforts that annual events takes place in the city of St. Louis, Missouri for the benefit of humanity. Cap and glove give aways, Prophet Noble Drew Ali Celebrations, Moorish Festivals, and security detail of various community events and more!
I hope that this has sparked some curiosity in you to get to know this man and his mission as well as those that follow in his footsteps to help humanity.
Sheik Terran Austin-El, D.M.
Grand Sheik
The Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. No. 5
Chairman's Office
Praise Allah, Honor The Prophet Noble Drew Ali… “According to all true and divine records of the human race there is no negro, black, or colored race attached to the human family, because all the inhabitants of Africa were and are of the human race, descendants of the ancient Canaanite nation from the holy land of Canaan. “ The Holy Koran Of The Moorish Science Temple of America, Chapter XLVII (47) page 58. instruction 9.
We are a Historical People with a historical history which dates back as far as the line and genealogy through which Prophet Jesus came. The Prophet Noble Drew Ali and his successors; the Moorish-Americans, strive to expose the Truth about who we are, were and always will be as a people. Our purpose is to teach why we are Moorish-American and teach those things necessary to make us better Citizens. While it remains to be a challenge to encourage our people to accept and embrace this truth; we can have no success until we first believe that we are not Negro, Black or Colored! Come join us at every Friday Holy Day which begins at 7:30pm and Sunday School at 2:00pm. It is here you will begin to learn about who your Forefathers were and who you are today without doubt or contradiction. We pray to see you there. Peace; peace on Earth, goodwill to all men, In our love to each other.
“A beggar people cannot develop the highest in them, nor can they attain to a genuine enjoyment of the spiritualities of life.”
- Noble Drew Ali: Moorish Literature
Sheik A. Pickens-Bey, D.M.
Sheikess F. Brown-El, D.M.
Chairman's Office
The Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. No. 5
Welcome you to our official local website!
Subordinate Temple No. 5 is a social and religious institution whose continuous mission is to raise our people's awareness of the NATIONALITY and DIVINE CREED that Almighty God Allah saw fit to have returned to us; thereby uplifting fallen humanity. We are the followers of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali, the great teacher and messenger to the fallen sons and daughters of the Asiatic nations. We are for LOVE, not hate.
I personally invite you to visit us at our Holy Day Services on Fridays @ 7:30 p.m., our Sunday School Classes every Sunday @ 2:00 p.m. and our Koran Classes Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. Come hear the truth of your nationality, divine creed, and birthrights; that we may KNOW THYSELF & our father God Allah!
Your Brother in the Struggle,
Sheik Todd Irons-El, D.M.
The Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. No. 5
To protect this Great Moorish Science Temple of America Inc. we must stay with Prophet Noble Drew Ali, and work his agenda. The Prophet left us everything we need; all we have to do is build on it. Don’t get caught up on the sound effects or meaningless words. Study your Koran, Laws, and everything our Prophet brought us. Be what you know and not what you've been told. The Moors will be glad to have you as our guest. Come hear the truth about your Nationality and Birthright.
Sheik Theophilus Peek-El, D.M. (May Allah Be Pleased With Him)
Former MO Grand Governor & Chairman
The Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. No. 5
“Our Divine and National Movement stands for the specific grand principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. And I, the Prophet, am applying to all loyal, faithful Moors, members and American citizens to help me in my great uplifting act of uplifting fallen humanity among the Asiatic race and nation; for I have suffered much and severely in the past through misunderstanding of what the movement was dedicated to."
Friday March 1, 1928
By The Prophet Noble Drew Ali